Ralph Northam

Ralph Northam served as Governor from 2018 to 2022.
Also served as Lt. Governor from 2014 to 2018, and in the State Senate from 2008 to 2014 (SD6).

Donors by Occupation: Political

All Years
Amount Industry
$6,881,081 Democrat Advocacy
$2,504,173 Democrat - Leadership/Candidate Committee
$873,518 Democrat - State/Local Committees
$385,869 Democrat - Individuals
$179,346 Democrat - National Committees
$68,759 Political Consultants
$30,631 Gov. Northam Appointees
$18,689 Gov. McAuliffe Appointees
$15,925 Independent - Leadership/Candidate Committee
$6,500 Republican - Leadership/Candidate Committee
$5,125 Republican - Individuals
$3,410 Candidates - Other Elections
$1,700 Non-partisan- Leadership/Candidate Committee
$1,250 Gov. Kaine Appointee
$500 Miscellaneous Political
$200 Republican - National Committees